Coaching Issues: steering wheel

Coaching Issues

There are many rea­sons to call upon a coach. They are var­ied and indi­vid­ual as they con­cern life in all its diver­si­ty. In doing so, it is impor­tant to choose the right moment. On the one hand, if you are stuck in a dead end you don’t want to wait too long. How­ev­er, effec­tive and sus­tain­able change can only be achieved with an open mind­set and deter­mined attitude.

When is Coaching Useful? 

  • In the con­text of a pro­fes­sion­al reori­en­ta­tion, career change or dis­sat­is­fac­tion on the job
  • In order to devel­op lead­er­ship skills as well as self-reflec­tion and rein­forc­ing lead­er­ship role
  • In con­flict sit­u­a­tions or com­mu­ni­ca­tion blockades
  • To clar­i­fy an ambigu­ous sit­u­a­tion ahead of impor­tant decisions
  • In phas­es of acute stress, burnout or boreout
  • When per­for­mance, moti­va­tion, and joie de vivre fails

Selected Issues for Coaching 

  • Enhanc­ing and refin­ing lead­er­ship competencies
  • Recon­sid­er­ing und realign­ing com­mu­ni­ca­tion strategies
  • Reflect­ing on con­flicts with super­vi­sors or col­leagues to devel­op solutions
  • Pro­fil­ing and posi­tion­ing on the job; proac­tive career advancement
  • Rein­forc­ing self-con­fi­dence; enhanc­ing self-asser­tion and strate­gic thinking
  • Stress man­age­ment, set­ting lim­its, and act­ing with foresight
  • Over­com­ing dis­ap­point­ments and emerg­ing stronger thereof
  • Pre­vail­ing over doubts and pro­cras­ti­na­tion; releas­ing anx­i­eties and men­tal blockades
  • Defin­ing life vision; set­ting short and mid-term goals