Modalities - clock

Procedure and Requests 

Preliminary Meeting

A suc­cess­ful inter­ac­tion between coach and coachee is based upon mutu­al trust and sym­pa­thy. There­fore I always begin my coach­ing with a pre­lim­i­nary meet­ing free of charge. We get to know each oth­er, dis­cuss your issues and needs as well as goals, agen­da, and extent of the ses­sions. Fur­ther­more I out­line my meth­ods and pro­ce­dures and we also agree on terms and conditions.

Sessions and Intervals

In my expe­ri­ence, a con­sul­ta­tion com­pris­es between five to ten ses­sions of 60 min­utes each. Coach­ing is an inter­ac­tive process and demands your active par­tic­i­pa­tion not only dur­ing the indi­vid­ual ses­sions but also between them. There­fore, at the end of each ses­sion we agree on tasks for you to work on until we meet again. This enables you to reflect on more com­plex issues at home. You will have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to inte­grate new insights into your every­day life through changed behav­ior and try­ing out new strate­gies. This being the only path towards effec­tive learn­ing and change.

Career coun­sel­ing ses­sions will usu­al­ly take place once every two to three weeks. After a more inten­sive entry phase the inter­vals between the ses­sions can be longer, one to two months.

Online Coaching

Nor­mal­ly my ses­sions will be held online via video espe­cial­ly since most of my inter­na­tion­al clients are locat­ed world­wide. In indi­vid­ual cas­es we can set up our ini­tial meet­ing in per­son if you live in the Munich area. It might sur­prise some, but my more than 10 years’ expe­ri­ence coach­ing online has proven that this for­mat not only works well but can be as effec­tive as meet­ings in per­son – also in more com­plex situations.

Trainings and Webinars

Train­ing pro­grams will be dis­cussed with the client indi­vid­u­al­ly for each tar­get group deter­min­ing con­tent, scope, con­di­tions, and if nec­es­sary cov­er­ing trav­el costs.


Since I am usu­al­ly in coach­ing ses­sions or train­ings I can only sel­dom­ly be reached via phone. There­fore I kind­ly ask you to send me your request via e‑mail. Here you briefly state your issue and cur­rent job sit­u­a­tion enclos­ing your CV. Nor­mal­ly I respond with­in 24 hours sug­gest­ing a date for a pre­lim­i­nary phone meeting.