My Coaching Approach
For me, coaching is a professional guidance through a process of personal change. My approach is solution-oriented and geared towards the future. Whether your individual concern or specific goal is of professional or personal nature, you determine the agenda of our meetings. Here the decisive factor for me is that we build a trust-based relationship with each another.
In the course of our personal discussions I play the role of the neutral observer and will ask you targeted questions. I listen closely, give feedback, and implement counseling methods based on the topics of our discussions and your current situation. The goal is to sharpen your own focus and change your perspective so that you yourself — by using newly discovered resources – can actively work on altering what it is you wish to change.
As your coach, I will not present you with polished concepts or solutions to your questions. Only you know the correct answer for yourself which you may not see at first. Over time we tend to loose contact to our inner consciousness, feelings, and values. This may lead us to forget a hidden talent or disregard our inner compass that could set us on the right track again.
In the end, it is important to me that we develop a course of action which you can integrate into your everyday life. That is the only way change happens. Your joie de vivre and determination should win out in the end. Every so often we will evaluate your progress through a success review. I do not want you to become dependent on your coach, but rather get to grips with your issues on your own responsibility. My definition of coaching is to help you help yourself.