Coaching Approach: steering wheel

My Coaching Approach

For me, coach­ing is a pro­fes­sion­al guid­ance through a process of per­son­al change. My approach is solu­tion-ori­ent­ed and geared towards the future. Whether your indi­vid­ual con­cern or spe­cif­ic goal is of pro­fes­sion­al or per­son­al nature, you deter­mine the agen­da of our meet­ings. Here the deci­sive fac­tor for me is that we build a trust-based rela­tion­ship with each another.

In the course of our per­son­al dis­cus­sions I play the role of the neu­tral observ­er and will ask you tar­get­ed ques­tions. I lis­ten close­ly, give feed­back, and imple­ment coun­sel­ing meth­ods based on the top­ics of our dis­cus­sions and your cur­rent sit­u­a­tion. The goal is to sharp­en your own focus and change your per­spec­tive so that you your­self — by using new­ly dis­cov­ered resources – can active­ly work on alter­ing what it is you wish to change.

As your coach, I will not present you with pol­ished con­cepts or solu­tions to your ques­tions. Only you know the cor­rect answer for your­self which you may not see at first. Over time we tend to loose con­tact to our inner con­scious­ness, feel­ings, and val­ues. This may lead us to for­get a hid­den tal­ent or dis­re­gard our inner com­pass that could set us on the right track again.

In the end, it is impor­tant to me that we devel­op a course of action which you can inte­grate into your every­day life. That is the only way change hap­pens. Your joie de vivre and deter­mi­na­tion should win out in the end. Every so often we will eval­u­ate your progress through a suc­cess review. I do not want you to become depen­dent on your coach, but rather get to grips with your issues on your own respon­si­bil­i­ty. My def­i­n­i­tion of coach­ing is to help you help yourself.